
Donate to our cause with a one-time contribution. Your generosity has the power to transform the lives of families in need right here in New Jersey. With every dollar, you’re providing crucial support and resources to those who need it most.

Minimum Price: $10.00

We want to protect the future by establishing a support network for new families facing hardships in New Jersey.


We are a volunteer-run, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit corporation founded in 2020. 


Have any spare baby items?

Please note that we only accept quality items to prioritize the safety of the children we serve; no used or second-hand products will be accepted. If you’re interested in contributing to our cause, please fill out the donation form below.

We gladly accept


Newborn to 12 months

Bedding and cleaning

Towels, bassinet mattresses, blankets, linen, wipes, diapers


Infant toys, stuffed animals, baby books

Feeding essentials

Bottles, pacifiers, nursing pads, bibs

Baby toiletries

Soaps, shampoos, oils, nail care, soft brushes, rash cream

Adult hygienic products

Hand sanitizer, feminine products, condoms, nipple cream